
The Sun Dynasty or Solar Dynasty or Suryavansha is one of the most prominent dynasties in the history of Hinduism, along with the “Chandravansha” or Lunar Dynasty.”Suryavanshi” means a person belonging to this dynasty. This clan was the eldest and the most prosperous in ancient India till the rise of Magadh in the 6th century BC. Ayodhya, the city founded by Vaivasvata Manu son of Vivasvan or Vaivasvata, was their capital.The clan founder, Vivasvan or Vivaswat, is supposed to have lived coeval with the origin of the world. The name Vivaswan literally means master of the rays. That is, The Sun or Sun God. The first historically important king of this dynasty was Vivaswan’s grandson Ikshvaku, so the dynasty is also known as the Ikshvaku dynasty.The solar clan is especially associated with Rama, the King of Ayodhya whose story is told in the Ramayana. Rama was the rightful heir according to the rule of primogeniture, but because his father had made a promise to his second queen, Kaikeyi, who asked for Rama to be exiled to the forest for 14 years and her own son crowned in Rama’s place, Rama was disqualified from ruling, however, Kaikeyi’s son Bharata never accepted the throne but ruled as regent till Rama came back from exile.The last important king of Ayodhya was Brihdbal, who was killed by Abhimanyu in the Kurukshetra war. The last ruling king of the dynasty at Ayodhya was Sumitra in the 4th century BC, who, after being forced out of Ayodhya by emperor Mahapadma Nanda of Magadha’s Nanda Dynasty, continued the royal line at Rohtas.As laid down by Manu, the kings of the solar dynasty followed the rule of primogeniture. Only the eldest male offspring of the king could succeed to the throne, unless disqualified by the priests for being physically disabled of some other reason. The younger sons also produced many prominent historical Kshatriyas and Vaishyas, but these are not included in the following list of monarchs. The list, however, does include some rightful heirs who were disqualified by the priests.Meaning of SuryavanshiThe Suryavanshi lineage is one of the three lineages into which the Kshatriya caste of Hindus is divided, the other two races being the Chandravanshi (descended from Chandra, the Hindu Moon God) or descendant from the Lunar Dynasty, and the Agnivanshi, descended from Agni, the Hindu Fire God. All present-day Suryavanshis also claim descent from the Hindu God Rama, who was himself born into a Suryavanshi dynasty.History of (Surya Vanshi) Are- Katika(katika)During the time of Shivaji, Surya Vanshi Are Katikas were warriors (soldiers) and great followers of Shivaji. After the Mughal war on Marathas all the soldiers were scattered and spread all over India.’Are’ is a synonym for marathi. In the Madras Census Report 1891, it is recorded that the term “Marathi” denotes the varies Marathi non-brahmin castes who came to south either as soldiers or camp followers in the armies of maratha invaders. Their ancient profession was to serve as warriors but now they are engaged in different professions (Farmimg, sheep, goats butchery,etc)